Morning at Brend and Hexenlochmühle

We took a slow, relaxed morning just enjoying the area around Brend. The view over the forest and mountains is just exquisite while relaxing in the calm fields. We climbed the tower, had amazing breakfast, and set off for Hexenlochmühle… the forest building with the working water wheel, patio cafe, and the amazing smoked deli!

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Zeller Horn over Hohenzollern

Sometimes the best way to see a magnificent castle is from a distance. After visiting Burg Hohenzollern, touring its palace rooms and walking the battlements, we decided to hike up to the top of Zeller Horn and find the best vantage point to see the castle as a whole!

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Black Forest Trails and the Balzer Herrgott

A morning feast in Brend was the perfect start to the day, especially as since getting into the woods and hiking on some trails are part of the plan! We take an easy-going trail through the forest to the Balzer Herrgott tree carving, and just let ourselves get in touch with the forest that surrounds us.

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Back to the Forest - Rothaus Brewery and the Schwarzwald

Back to the Black Forest! It feels so much like home here. We visited the Rothaus Brewery where we tasted beers and looked at all their goodies, then spent the evening in our woodland hotel feasting on spargel and watching the late night sunset!

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Return to the Black Forest

We crossed the border back into Germany, where we decided to spend a long, slow day back to the airport. We stopped at the source of the Danube River, just a tiny trickle of water flowing through the rocks. After a few scenic stops along the way, we had another amazing lunch in Titisee, given a beautiful show of natural light and rainbows back in Switzerland, and readied ourselves for an early flight from Zurich.

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Route 500 to Gutach Valley

It was another rainy day, but that won’t stop the fun! We had another amazing breakfast at Brend and stopped back in Triberg for the original Black Forest Cake after some childhood reminiscing. We visited the world’s largest cuckoo clock before working our way up through the rain into the beautiful Gutach Valley…

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Schlossberg and the Schwarzwald at Night

As the rain cleared up we strolled through the streets of Freiburg heading to the Schlossberg. We hiked up the hill and were greeted with some amazing views of the city and forest, and continued our way up to the very top of a wobbly tower! Heading back to Brend, we caught an amazing sunset over the hills, then I felt the ping of terror in the night that gave rise to all the legends of the Black Forest!

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As we arrived in the beautiful and ancient city of Freiburg, we discovered the cute little street-side canals and beautiful towers all connected by old cobblestoned roads. We found little toys throughout the bächle, an amazing old cathedral, and had the pleasure of hearing music from truly angelic voices. We were also on a mission - those old cobblestones had to lead us to some beer!

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Hexenlochmüle and Titisee

We started the day with a legendary breakfast at Brend before seeking out a picturesque shop in the forest. Our little car hugged the curves of one of my favorite drives so far, and we spent the morning surrounded by everything green. We eventually made our way to Titisee, where we stood in appreciation of the beautiful water despite the cold and rain, only to drive away the chill with seasonal mushroom soup and strong coffee!

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The Black Forest

From the legends we have read since we were kids, the images of picturesque little German villages, and our love for nature all combined into our fascination with the Black Forest. It has long been a destination both of us have dreamed about, and we are finally here! We stood in complete awe surrounded by the towering trees and green moss in the forest, drove a long woodland road to our remote hotel, found a waterfall in a cute cuckoo-clock village, and had a wonderful sausage dinner. The night ended perfectly with the best clear, starry sky that we’ve seen in years!

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