Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon

Fjaðrárgljúfur Canyon is a beautiful, awe inspiring sight in southern Iceland… and one we were lucky to see! It was closed to visitors for some time due to damage to the landscape from people choosing not to respect the fragile environment, but luckily it had reopened just before our arrival. We explore this magnificent place and revel in its breathtaking scenery, while hoping people will choose to be responsible and respectful of the landscape in the future.

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Skógafoss is another majestic waterfall along Iceland’s southern coast, Falling almost 200 feet over a brilliant green cliff and kicking up a mist that crates beautiful rainbows, Skógafoss is a must see waterfall in a land known for waterfalls. Come follow as we explore Skógafoss and the amazing landscape of the surrounding countryside!

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Kerið Crater

Kerið is an extinct volcano whose crater has filled with the most magnificent blue water. There is a trail up around the crest of the volcano for an amazing perspective, and another down around the lake that lets you get up close with the refreshing water. It was hard to resist the urge to just jump in!

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Roundstone is a charming little fishing village along the Connemara coast with bright colored houses and boat-filled harbor. We venture to the pier, sample some local seafood, and get in some culture at the traditional music center before a breathtaking stop along a secluded country road!

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Return to the Black Forest

We crossed the border back into Germany, where we decided to spend a long, slow day back to the airport. We stopped at the source of the Danube River, just a tiny trickle of water flowing through the rocks. After a few scenic stops along the way, we had another amazing lunch in Titisee, given a beautiful show of natural light and rainbows back in Switzerland, and readied ourselves for an early flight from Zurich.

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Bienvenue à Alsace!

We arrived in Alsace! We check into our cute camp cabin before heading into Strasbourg, where we were greeted by a sky-spanning rainbow! We wander the old city streets, find a great little grocery, and head back to the cabin to cook a French dinner!

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Morning in Liechtenstein

We woke high in the mountains to a hearty breakfast and a rolling fog… or were we just so high we were in the clouds? We walked the hilly streets along the Liechtenstein mountains, watching the city far below as it peeked though the gaps in the cloud cover. I took some of my favorite pictures here in the Alps before we bid our farewell, and wound our little car down the mountainside and back into Switzerland…

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